My Chinese New Year

My Chinese New Year
Three years ago in Chinese New Year, I was at home with my parents, relatives, and cousins. Adults were all chatting with each other, but children were very boring and didn’t know what to do.
    Suddenly, my eldest cousin said “ Let’s play mahjong!” although everyone else didn’t know what was that, we were all happy to have something different to do. First, she introduced us what mahjong is, it’s a game that matched cards. It’s not only depended on fortune but also wisdom.
    Then, we started playing. It sounds easy but actually kind of complex, so the first round didn’t go very well, we were all very confused. I always forgot some small details, than everything went wrong. Even though, my cousin still taught us patiently.
    After few rounds, we finally knew how to play exactly, so the situation was going better. We talked about lots of things while we were playing, it had been a long time we didn’t talk like that. We really had fun playing together.
    New Year is a festival that bring everyone together, we should cherish this precious time, spend time with family. Playing mahjong let us get closer, and next time I play mahjong, I will always remember this happy time with my cousins.

